1. Select the Financial Module from the Main Menu
  2. Select Summary from the Financial main menu
  3. Select a Contract (if it is not already selected)
  4. Click Work Order on the Summary page

Note:  System displays the Work Order for the Contract

  1. Click on a Work Order No. from the Work Order for Contract table

Note:  System displays the Work Order Details

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  1. Select the Activity Tasks tab

Note:  System displays the Work Order Activity Task list

  1. Click on an Item No.

Note: System displays Activity Task Details

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  1. Click Edit button
  2. Update the following fields, as needed:

Editable Activity Task Primary Information Fields:

  • Description
  • Charge Code
  • InCap ID
  • Start Date
  • Scheduled Completion Date
  • Actual Completion Date
  • Final Inspection Date

Editable Activity Task Financial Fields

  • Lump Sum - (WIP, Forecast, Date)
  • Time & Materials - (Forecast)
  • Unit Price - (Date)
  • Estimates - (PMD, CMD)
  • Contractor Fee (Complete %)

Note:  If WIP exceeds the Forecast, the Forecast is bumped up to be equal to the WIP. 

  1. Click Save

Note:  User has the option to Undo or Cancel the changes