The over-ride date is to allow REO to print out PACC as an exemption of the situation that the Forecast exceeds the Authorization. This date needs to be entered only upon the approval of EOC of Admin. If the over-ride date is today or later than today, then REO is able to print out PACC and go through the process.

  1. Select Extra Work from the Main Menu
  2. Select PACC from the Extra Work main menu
  3. Select a Contract (if it is not already selected)
  4. Select a PACC Item

Note:  System displays the PACC Description, Reason for Change, Drawing, Specs, Schedule, PACC Status, and the Related PIN information under the PACC Items table.

  1. Click Edit button

A screenshot of a cell phone??Description automatically generated

  1. Enter the Over-Ride Date as today’s date or later than today
  2. Click OK

Note:  When Over-Ride Date is added to the line item, a notification icon is displayed in the Modify column of the PACC Line Items table.

A screenshot of a flat screen tv??Description automatically generated

  1. Hover over the notification icon to display the Over-Ride Date