1. Select Prime Module from the main menu 
  2. Select Evaluation from the Prime Main Menu
  3. Select a Contract (if it is not already selected)

Note: System displays the Contractors’ Performance Evaluation

Graphical user interface, application??Description automatically generated

  1. Select the Prime Contractor or a Sub Contractor by clicking the radio button 

Note: System displays the Evaluation table

  1. Select an Evaluation
  2. Click View/Edit Evaluation

Note: System displays the Contractor’s Performance Evaluation Details

Graphical user interface, application, website??Description automatically generated

  1. Click the Approve button

Note: System displays a confirmation pop up window

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message??Description automatically generated

  1. Click OK to complete

Note: Once the Evaluation is approved, it becomes read only. Contact Admin to re-open for edits.