1. Select the Financial Module from the Main Menu
  2. Select Payment from the Financial main menu
  3. Select a Contract (if it is not already selected)
  4. Select a Payment from the Payment No. dropdown list

Note: System displays the detail information of selected payment

  1. Select the Payment Application tab

Graphical user interface, text, application, email??Description automatically generated

  1. Click the Edit button at the bottom

Note: The following fields become available for data input

  • Application Received Date (required for posting the payment)
  • Send to CMD Date (required for posting the payment)
  • Paid Date (available for posted payment only)
  • Disbursement Paid Amount (available for posted payment only)
  • Perform Bond Payment Amount
  • Retainage Payment Amount*

*Note: By default, Retainage Payment Amount is calculated automatically based on Retainage Percent, but still editable as needed

Table??Description automatically generated

  1. Update the payment information 
  2. Click Ok to save