1. Select the Financial Module from the Main Menu
  2. Select Payment from the Financial main menu
  3. Select a Contract (if it is not already selected)
  4. Click the Payment No. dropdown list to select the final Payment

Note: System displays the detail information of the final payment

  1. Click the Post Payment button

Note: System marks the payment as Posted

Graphical user interface, application??Description automatically generated with medium confidence

  1. Click the Final Payment button

Note: System marks the payment as Final in the detail page

Graphical user interface??Description automatically generated with low confidence

  1. Select Payment Status tab
  2. Click the Financial History button

Note: System displays the Financial History form

Table??Description automatically generated

  1. Update the Closeout date and Remarks if needed
  2. Click Ok to save

Note: System updates the Final Payment Closeout date in the Status page Closeout section

Graphical user interface, text, application, email??Description automatically generated